Gen-Os 1g


Natural, collagenated, de-antigenated, bone granules

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It is a natural solution, presenting intimate structures identical to human bone (matrix, porosity) as well as a great bone conductive and bone inductive potential. It is perfectly biocompatible and biodegradable, characteristics recognized by in-vivo tests. Endowed with a high hygroscopic capacity, it can function as a carrier for a number of pharmaceutical substances.

It is totally resorbable, constituting a support for bone neoformation, while maintaining the initial shape and volume constant (due to bone conductivity); moreover, thanks to its high degree of purity and collagen, the product favours the formation of fibrino-hemetic clot and the subsequent penetration of reparative and regenerative cells (due to bone induction), with "resitutio ad integrum" of the bone defect.

Through the special technology of production, Tecnoss granules acquire unique characteristics that differentiate them from other similar products. It is partially demineralised and with an increased percentage of collagen. Being partially demineralised, it favours the action of bone inductive proteins (Bone Morphogenetic Proteins), which calcium inhibits; the increased collagen content potentiates the action of fibrin and favours, through chemotactism, cell migration and proliferation, both of bone cells and endothelial cells, with the formation of neo-formation vessels, thus accelerating the processes of repair and neo-osteogenesis.

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Clinical applications

Maxillo-facial surgery: bone addition after extractions, apical resections, odontogenic cysts, cleft ridges.

Periodontology: periodontal pockets, additions in areas of furcation exposure.

Implantology: optimal alveolar filling in immediate post-extraction implants, facilitating primary stability; treatment of dehiscences and peri-implants

How to use

Gen-Os material should always be hydrated and mixed with a few drops of sterile physiological solution to activate the collagen matrix and increase its adhesive properties; mixing can also be done with drops of the patient's blood.

If necessary, the product can be hydrated with the appropriate medication for the type of intervention; the mixture thus obtained is deposited with a spatula or a biomaterial syringe.



Gen-Os is a mixture of 25% cortical bone and 75% soft bone, favourable in the vast majority of clinical cases

Additional advantages

After hydration with sterile saline, Gen-Os biomaterial increases its volume by 50%: following hydration, the collagen in each granule visibly increases the adhesive properties of the material.


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